info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Genre - What genre best describes MajestiQuest?

Science Fiction

Description - How would you describe MajestiQuest?

"A multiverse filled with so much random chaotic shit that it probably shouldn't exist." - Chaos Elementals

book History
History - What is MajestiQuest’s history?

Created by Chaos Elementals, the multiverse hosts a number of critical events taking place over multiple eons of time. Most importantly to our current story, the most important event in Universe A1 is the Technus-D7 War, a conflict between R&D companies Technus and D7 over the course of hundreds of years.

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in MajestiQuest?

The laws of physics themselves are mostly normal, but the existence of many fictional subatomic particles and a liberal application of "armchair physics" allows for certain exceptions to the normal laws of physics we know and love.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in MajestiQuest?

The technology level is sufficiently futuristic; things like mixed reality, digitization, and cybernetics have been mostly figured out, but many advanced forms of nanotechnology and intergalactic space travel are experimental and either don't exist in a usable form or are exclusive to D7.

edit Notes
history Changelog
  • person Owner
  • person Sam Kolins

    Created universe about 7 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
  • person Jared Monk

    Invited about 7 years ago

  • person Kyle Eves

    Invited about 7 years ago

  • person William Cole

    Invited about 7 years ago

This universe contains...
1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Universe B The universe where Luin comes from, created after the double mobius universe reset reacharound caused by the events of The Darkness Within and some bull TS did.

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events BlastRazor A chainsaw laser sword invented by ProXy
emoji_events Majestic Stone A glowing, pulsating, magical cyan stone roughly the size of an ostrich egg

4 groups reorder
wc Groups close
wc The Unpossible Squadettes The better halves of the Unpossible Squad. Or their siblings. Or just girls who happen to hang out with the Squad a lot.
wc Pangaea A media organization bent on staining the public image of Technus.
wc The Unpossible Squad A group that consists of four retar- I mean, the main protagonists of MQ Season 1.
wc Pan-Galacta An organization of war profiteers who secretly hold stock in various companies selling both to Technus and D7.

3 races reorder
face Races close
face Divines A group of angelic beings blessed by Aelia who serve under her.
face Gaian Metahuman genetics mixed directly with aural magic.
face Divines A group of angelic beings blessed by Aelia who serve under her.

1 religion reorder
brightness_7 Religions close
brightness_7 Followers of the Goddess Those who worship or otherwise idolize Aelia, through one form or another.

1 town reorder
location_city Towns close
location_city New Valmont New Valmont is a space city that also serves as a hub area for Technus students.

This universe was created by Sam Kolins on with 3 contributors.

See more from Sam Kolins
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