info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Atune?

A dystopian society built on the planet of Atune, located deep within the reaches of the galaxy, populated by the brightly coloured creatures called Asrets, who pride themselves on how bright their scales are and cast out anyone unfortunate enough to have a darker colour than them. Due to this, there's a secret underground plot brewing: A secret society of Asrets is dead set to wipe out this injustice and make a new world, with a new monarchy, where everyone is equal. To do this, they are forging 'secret weapons' from genetic modification and experimentation, to one day unleash them on the general public and take what's theirs.

Genre - What genre best describes Atune?

Science fiction

date_range History
Origin - How did Atune originate?

Atune, like all other planets, was forged from the nature processes of space and physics, and life evolved on it naturally. Only, instead of Apes evolving into the Humans of our world, lizards and reptiles wiped out all of the primates before they could have a chance, taking the spotlight for themselves, transforming into the Asrets of today after millennia pass by.

gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Atune?

Physics is the same as Earth, and is rather well known, too, due to such subjects being taught in Atune schools.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Atune?

Magic does not exist, or at least, isn't known by the general public. Many strange phenomena have occurred throughout the planet and its history, unexplainable things, which has led many to believe that magic may be real, but its existence hasn't truly been proven.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Atune?

Technology is rather advanced, transport is a thing, as well as developed scientific methods/equipment, devices, as well as other digital items. They are abundant across Atune, and are quite heavily relied on by the general public.

edit Notes
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