info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

The Game of Life

Description - How would you describe The Game of Life?

Two realms: Celestial, and the world of the Mortals, are in peril, faced with the threats of supernatural horrors, malicious souls, and the utterly insane. Only one being can help save the worlds from destruction, a dragonet student who lives in a quiet village within Sky Kingdom territory.

Genre - What genre best describes The Game of Life?

Dark fantasy

date_range History
Origin - How did The Game of Life originate?

Both Celestial and the Mortal Realm came at the hands of Astra, the Head Deity, a being born of stardust, energy and magic. The Goddess of Space forged the realms out of magic, whilst her twin sister, Era, created time to go along with this new world, and once the domains were finished, Astra populated them with the essence of life. In Celestial were the first Deities, tasked with assisting Astra with making her new world suitable for draconic life to live there in the long run.

When the world was finally ready, Astra set life upon the Mortal Realm, and continued to watch as they grew and changed, over the span of thousands of years.

gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in The Game of Life?

Relatively similar to the likes of Earth, but it can be defied or warped by Deity magic, as well as other spells and magical energies. However, only the strongest of magical auras can be capable of doing this.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in The Game of Life?

Magic is a diverse thing, it's in the souls of all of the Deities, however different to go along with said Deity's dominion, to help with their jobs in Celestial. Meanwhile, on the Mortal Realm, there is such thing as 'animus magic', a gift that Astra bestowed upon the Mortals back when the world was still new. However, due to misuse of the power Animus Magic possessed, it was changed, and restricted, so that it could no longer be seen as a threat towards other lives.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in The Game of Life?

Over the years, technology has advanced, though it is still developing, ever since the NightWings introduced the concept to the general public, it has been growing at a fast rate, being more developed and advanced as the years go by. Such advanced machinery such as rollercoasters or transport is not such a thing yet, but items like old styled computers, IPads, TVs and lights can be obtained. The most developed thing so far is the Smartwatch.

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for The Game of Life?

Wings of Fire, since this is an AU.
Gregory Horror Show (mainly the souls, but some characters as well)
Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion (mainly characters)


  • Originally created on the 6th of September, 2020

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