info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Neon-o-pian Galactic Public Database:
Characters, Locations, & Items

Description - How would you describe Neon-o-pian Galactic Public Database: Characters, Locations, & Items ?


"Welcome to 'The Galaxy of Neon-o-pia'', where the vision of a utopian future is not just a mere dream, but vibrant reality. Immerse yourself in a reality where technology sweeps across every horizon, every cloud a pixel art masterpiece. In this world, digital designs reign supreme. The citizens of Malachite engage in the primal act of creation with advanced tools; every day is a festival of innovation as new masterpieces of digital art are crafted and uploaded into this shared virtual space. Beyond a hobby, this practice has evolved into a new form of communication, bridging hearts and minds in ways rudimentary languages never could."

Genre - What genre best describes Neon-o-pian Galactic Public Database: Characters, Locations, & Items ?

Sci-fi, Vaporwave, Utopia, Urban Fantasy

date_range History
History - What is Neon-o-pian Galactic Public Database: Characters, Locations, & Items ’s history?
gavel Systems
edit Notes
  • group_add Contributors
This universe contains...
3 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Anna K. *Digital Designer *MetalVerse Explorer *Blogger
group Jolene * AI Companion * Virtual Reality Enthusiast
group Millennial Prophet AKA Sentient Virus Z.O.E.Y.

Neon-o-pian Galactic Public Database: Characters, Locations, & Items appears in the following documents

This universe was created by Malachite Gaming on with 1 contributor.

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