info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Genre - What genre best describes Godseed?

Fantasy, maybe Sci-fi

Description - How would you describe Godseed?

There is a recurring cataclysmic event that fundamentally changes the world. The last event nearly wiped out magic entirely by blocking the mortal realm from "the good neighbors". It's about time for another event, and the good neighbors are restless...

book History
gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Godseed?

Warding: gifted individuals are able to specify a location to be protected against a force of their choice
Charming: gifted individuals can magically influence others that can understand them

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Godseed?

Nannybot and other robotics - restricted to certain areas?
Possible destruction of Celestial watchtowers

edit Notes


history Changelog

This universe was created by Urby on

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