info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Genre - What genre best describes Blink?

Sci-fi, university, slice of life

Description - How would you describe Blink?

The astral ferry has made intragalactic travel trivial. Finality Weissritter can't help but feel like the methods can be improved, however...and the more she learns about it, the more she discovers that the galaxy she thought was running so smoothly is actually falling apart.

book History
History - What is Blink’s history?

Terraforming Era
the Reconstruction

Story scenes:
Opening scene with Finality (literally) pitching her research proposal [intradimensional travel] - introduces Finality and Veit
Cafeteria scene - introduces Sheryl and Veit's proposal [service spirits]. First mention of service spirits being split Calamity-class elementals
Finality and Veit establish a link-journal pair
Kitchen scene 1 - introduces the Travel Sphere
Kitchen scene 2 - Veit wants a fishy sauce [establishes need for the post]
uncomfortable family realities [finny edition]
Memory lapse scene 1 - introduces the distinction between glyphs [service spirit instructions] and propulsion sigils
brain lickers
Veit tries to tell Finality some stuff about service spirit engineering, which she has trouble remembering. One of the things she can remember is a prayer that Veit says was used during the Terraforming Era when restraining Calamity-class elementals
Acclaimation writes to Finality about moving the Travel Sphere
Acclaimation's astral ferry doesn't come in
Seyclite's government (destination planet for Travel Sphere) gets peeved because the sphere didn't arrive; Finality goes "but wait isn't the sphere a liability? why are they MAD?"
(turns out there's mad money to be made housing the travel sphere)
The Astral ferry business can't talk about the lost ferry, especially because of what was on it, but they also don't know where it went. They shut down because of "routine upgrades to ferry builds" which Finality knows is complete horse
However, the intradimensional postal system, which uses the Travel Sphere but is separate from the ferry business, is still in operation
While they are waiting for cookies to land on Maclaod, Veit makes a discovery with Sheryl's help to remember the details: the Travel Sphere is actually a service spirit machine. Not just any machine for any spirit, contains the one that ended the wars of the Terraforming Era and started the Reconstruction - an "Armageddon Class" mental spirit whose psychic powers are so strong they can push against solid objects. It was sealed inside of its eyeball.
Said mental spirit is growing stronger, licking the brains of people who are trying to pry too deeply into service spirit engineering or intradimensional travel to keep people from restraining it further, while also orchestrating its grand revenge on civilization.
Using the "Weissritters are jerks, especially about cookies" method, the Travel Sphere is pinpointed to be on an extremely dangerous world
Veit and Finality design a new containment sphere for the Armageddon Licker. To make it work, they have to use propulsion sigils (which are actually glyphs that are specifically written for the Armageddon Licker's powers) and glyphs. This is knowledge that both of them have but can't share because of the Armageddon Licker's meddling, but Sheryl can't be affected due to her mixed nature. She helps them construct the sphere
Because astral ferries are out of commission, Finality and Veit must use a makeshift postal container, held together by Sheryl, to launch themselves off of Seyclite.
Finality and Veit confront the Armageddon Licker and manage to seal it inside the new containment sphere. Unfortunately they're college students and it's made cheaply so it starts breaking
Finality asks "hey can anything serve as a containment object so long as it has the sealing spell on it?" Veit is like "I don't like where you're going with this but yes?" and then Finality puts the orb into her empty left eye socket
Armageddon Licker is fighting for space in Finality's brain but the sealing spell is holding. Armageddon Licker tries to convince her to run away but Veit starts reciting the prayer for restraining spirits. With the Armageddon Licker's powers, she can understand it and realizes it's an apology.

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Blink?

Elementals/service spirits power appliances and machines
Sapient races in the galaxy often have access to magic, which can be trained. These often manifest as lesser forms of magic that elementals can perform

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Blink?

Astral Ferry
Service Spirits

edit Notes

Galaxy-wide: Credits
Several planets have individual preferred currencies.

history Changelog
This universe contains...
3 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Finality Weissritter Protagonist (Blink)
group Sheryl Supporting character
group Veit Protagonist

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Travel Sphere A vaguely spherical object of unknown origins.
emoji_events Link-Book A set of enchanted pages which will display any marks or changes to one page to another, linked page. Can come in complete pairs, in which both books are 1:1 copies of each other, or segmented sets...

1 creature reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Psychic Elemental Extremely dangerous elementals that could retrieve and manipulate information in the thoughts of living creatures. Wild forms were completely wiped out during the Terraforming Era, but fragments of...

3 planets reorder
public Planets close
public Maclaod Well-off, rainy
public Seyclite Home of the Academy of Magitech Talents
public Teonus Veit's home planet, jungle

1 race reorder
face Races close
face Mycelonian Collections of spores that create and maintain ambulatory bodies. Each collection shares a consciousness and understands itself as a single individual. Closely related individuals form colonies tha...

2 technologies reorder
router Technologies close
router Service Spirits Containment of fragmented or synthesized elemental spirits in receptacles that can be harnessed for use.
router Astral Ferry

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