info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

A Place in the Sun

Genre - What genre best describes A Place in the Sun?

Fantasy, Sci-fi

Description - How would you describe A Place in the Sun?

The world of Ethol is a cold planet with no sunlight exposure. Franz Aleta , an up-and-coming scientist in the underground city of Deepwell, wants to know more about the ancient and forgotten technologies that surround their home, and will stop at nothing to satisfy their thirst for knowledge. While exploring a cache of ancient technology, Franz meets and befriends Quartz , an AI built by a long-departed precursor race. As the world grows colder and more dangerous, Franz's quest to uncover the secrets of the precursor's technology leads them to the realm of Gypsum, another precursor AI. Gypsum explains the precursors were in the middle of terraforming the planet, but the process was halted, and the halted process is imperiling Ethol. Franz must choose whether they want to finish the job or not...

book History
History - What is A Place in the Sun’s history?

Uplifters land on planet
Uplifters build Council of the Skies
Uplifters create Luminars
Luminars are used to break Council of the Skies [Sunfall]
Uplifters leave planet

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in A Place in the Sun?

Fusion with technology to allow Magical Artificial Intelligence, Council of the Skies

Technology - What is the level of technology like in A Place in the Sun?

Dyson spheres
Magical AI

edit Notes

Bio-luminescent flora and fauna were purposely cultivated in order to provide light, eventually bled out to the natural world

history Changelog
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