info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Middle Earth

Description - How would you describe Middle Earth?

Middle-earth is the human-inhabited world, that is, the central continent of the Earth, in Tolkien's imagined mythological past. Tolkien's most widely read works, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, are set entirely in Middle-earth. (Google)

Genre - What genre best describes Middle Earth?


date_range History
Origin - How did Middle Earth originate?

Human-Inhabited world

History - What is Middle Earth’s history?

Middle-earth is the main continent of Earth (Arda) in an imaginary period of the Earth's past, ending with Tolkien's Third Age, about 6,000 years ago. (Middle Earth - Wikipedia)

gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Middle Earth?

Same as earth

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Middle Earth?


Technology - What is the level of technology like in Middle Earth?

No Technology

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Middle Earth?

Lord Of The Rings


Homeland to Elves

  • person Owner
  • person Louise

    Created universe almost 2 years ago

This universe contains...
1 character reorder
group Characters close
group Equa Warrior Elf

1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Mordor Mirk-Wood Forest

1 item reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Stake Made out of wood and has a peridot at the top

This universe was created by Louise on with 1 contributor.

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