info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Kumiae?

Solarpunk dystopia

Genre - What genre best describes Kumiae?


book History
History - What is Kumiae’s history?

Due to the mass pollution, much of earth is uninhabitable except a few major cities, such as Seoul, the cities tend to be run by Families. Major Technological advances, as well as genetic mutations, both intentional and not separate the population from normal people, those with the mutations within Seol are called Kumiae. With in the other cities they are known by different names.
Wonderland is a Pocket dimension being torn between two rulers, Reyna Laroux, also known the red Queen, and Alice Liddell The white Queen. Wonderland is a place where Magic runs rapid,and where Earth became technologically advanced they did so magically, how ever the Magic, doesn’t work very clean or clearly

gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in Kumiae?

its cyberpunk and solarpunk's lovechild.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Kumiae?

Business as per usual
fucking hellscape,,, Logic Who??
Physics Where?

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Kumiae?

blade runner
SyFy Alice
Judge Dredd
Very solarpunk
Trees plants fucking everywhere
See the last witch hunter….kinda

edit Notes

eat me= teaenm cake; its an anagram
the grawme mushmrooms

history Changelog
folder_open source material
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This universe was created by alex rafanan on

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