info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

SonicSwap (SS for short, however may be confused for StoryShift or such)

Genre - What genre best describes SonicSwap (SS for short, however may be confused for StoryShift or such)?


Description - How would you describe SonicSwap (SS for short, however may be confused for StoryShift or such)?

It's basically another crappy Undertale AU thing. It's Sonictale (which is a thing) with just the characters swapped with their friends/siblings/etc.

book History
History - What is SonicSwap (SS for short, however may be confused for StoryShift or such)’s history?

INTRO (basically the same as Undertale's)-Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS.

One day,war broke out between the two races, letting peace exist no more.

After a long and bloody battle, the Humans prevailed.

They sealed the Monsters underground with a magical and powerful spell.

Many years later...

MT. ??? (The name is unknown yet.)


Legends say who those who climb the mountain never be seen again.

[End of Intro, the name SONICSWAP in Monster Friend font appears)

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in SonicSwap (SS for short, however may be confused for StoryShift or such)?

It depends on the character, but all have some sort of magic. It's used differently for each character, though.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in SonicSwap (SS for short, however may be confused for StoryShift or such)?

Just like Earth-gravity, physics, etc, etc.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in SonicSwap (SS for short, however may be confused for StoryShift or such)?

First area of the game/whatever it will be/Ruins: SUPER ancient (because of cell phone)

Other parts-Just like today's technology. Good computers, cell phones, etc.

edit Notes
history Changelog
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This universe was created by Asriel Dreemurr on

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