Spacial is an extremely magical universe, populated with every animal we know today and lots more...
Magical fantasy.
It is hard to say for sure, it has been around longer than most other things.
Gravity? What gravity?
Only certain things have magic, see more in creatures and plants.
There is no technology.
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Created universe about 3 years ago
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Gwenyth Manley
Invited almost 3 years ago
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Invited about 3 years ago
Every animal we know today exists on the planets in Spacial.
The most common magical animals are the ones in our myths:
Unicorns, dragons, fairies, jackalopes, phoenixes.
Many plants we know today exist on the planets of Spacial.
There are only 2 magical plants in Spacial, but they are everywhere.
1. Horg-Borg. Horg-Borg is a tree with a lilac trunk, stout, broad amethyst leaves, and branches like those of a weeping willow. Despite its funny name, Horg-Borg has strong medicinal capabilities that can cure any illness or wound.
2. Nevermore. Nevermore is a weed that grows wherever it can find other roots, which is to say, everywhere. It steals nutrients from other plants and when its flowers scent is inhaled for a long period of time it causes complete and irreversible memory loss, making it a powerful weapon.
This universe was created by Katelyn on with 3 contributors.
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