info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Mendazakor?

Alternate Earth

Genre - What genre best describes Mendazakor?


date_range History
Origin - How did Mendazakor originate?

This Universe is actually ours, but set in the future. Civilization collapses, and the remaining humans split into groups on Post-Apocalyptic Earth.

gavel Systems
edit Notes
  • group_add Contributors
  • person Saylah

    Invited over 3 years ago

This universe contains...
2 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Sebastian C. Tanack Background Character
group Quinton Ruby Rosei Occult Detective: Investigates paranormal and supernatural crimes and mysteries.

3 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Night (Sector 1) Mountainous, with dark, hard ground and forests.
terrain North (Sector 2) The coldest Sector in
terrain Gondwana Split into 6 so-called Sectors, each with their own name, culture, landmarks, and climate, Gondwana (named after the ancient Supercontinent) is the Post-Apocalyptic area where this story takes place.

6 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Aiden (Meaning: Little Fire) Long ears, short horns that spilt into two towards the back of their head. Short ridge running along their back in between their wings.
pets dogs
pets New Creature
pets New Creature
pets New Creature
pets New Creature

This universe was created by William_Alexander on with 1 contributor.

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