info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Blitz the split world

Description - How would you describe Blitz the split world?

Three worlds forever changed from one another

Genre - What genre best describes Blitz the split world?


date_range History
Origin - How did Blitz the split world originate?

This universe was created by the council of three whose descendants went on to rule the world. The three were known as Nova of peace and sky, Callisto of water and knowledge, and Soul of spirit and strength. Nobody knows where they came from but they do know they created the world.

History - What is Blitz the split world’s history?

The three domains were once known as Fomalhaut. A land of peace and prosperity, a utopia even. Day after day people became more diverse Novas people grew wings and became known as sky dwellers, while Callistos grew tails and the ability to live in water known as sea dwellers, but souls never gained any special traits. Growing angry at their siblings' Soul gathered his forces and they attacked the other two lands. Unbeknownst to Soul, a small number of his citizens had developed the ability to use the earth to their will but they hid away to prevent it from getting known. A group of powerful dwellers from all three domains came together to end the war and formed something called the council of 5 who control the three domains. The council banished the siblings and split their people. They forced sea dwellers in the water and sky dwellers in the sky but they allowed earth dwellers to remain in the surface world. Millions of years later the three worlds were completely independent of each other with all traces of the other domains erased from the earth domain and the other two don't interact with them. Many dwellers believe it is a folktale to explain the unexplainable and it faded t history.

gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Blitz the split world?

They apply the same rules of physics as our reality. The adaptations are what allow each species to survive otherwise uninhabitable places.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Blitz the split world?

The powers that are possessed are relative by species, select land dwellers have control over the land itself and have taken control of the others, and sea dwellers control temperature and form of water typically depending on where in the sea they are from. Sky dwellers control the wing while some select few control the weather. the common theme is the strongest is in control.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Blitz the split world?

The sky dwellers are an extremely advanced race that makes weapons and specializes in anti-gravity buildings with the main transport being personal lanes. The sea dwellers have medieval-type technology and rely on swimming or riding wrangled sea animals for trans[ort. Land dwellers have the same level of tech as us.

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Blitz the split world?

harry potter and warrior cats


louis is here

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