info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Step Into September

Description - How would you describe Step Into September ?

Five teens of different backgrounds are thrown into a fancy public school, meeting one another by perfect chance. But what if none of them want to be friends at all? Anna, a girl who's so stuck up she doesn't even bother to look down, Aaron, a guy who has the looks but not the decency, Christie, a girl who's anxious about everyone at every second, Hugo, a boy new to the real world, and Ana, a girl with a plan to create even more perfect chances. Who will fall for Ana's tricks of friendship first?

Genre - What genre best describes Step Into September ?

Slice of Life, Coming of Age

date_range History
Origin - How did Step Into September originate?

I picked up a pencil and said, "Fuck it, why not."

History - What is Step Into September ’s history?

Step Into September's history is like the real world's history, except slightly altered (I.E KLG instead of JFK) and more art related (Art is required for every year in high school).

gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Step Into September ?

The physics used in Step Into September are the same physics used in real life.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Step Into September ?

Everything is up to date, at the time the comic gets created (I.E If there's a device in the future that I will be able to use, it'll be added to the story)

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Step Into September ?

Nothing, honestly. If anything, I'm my biggest source because most of what I'm writing is from my experience.

This universe contains...
2 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Estaciones, USA Estaciones is a fictional city-state in the Step Into September universe and where all the characters reside.
terrain Toyko, Japan Toyko is a fictional place in the Step Into September universe based on actual Tokyo and places around that area.

4 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Flowey A plastic flower ring given to Ana by a friend in Japan, won at an arcade
emoji_events Ami A clear plastic backpack with orange stripes and polka dots given to Ana when she entered high school by her father.
emoji_events Meiwaku (Annoyance) Ana's long distance glasses, forced onto her by her father because her eye tests said she needed them. It rarely gets used.
emoji_events Karasu (Raven) Ana's first ever sketchbook, given to her by her mother when she was in elementary. It's full of drawings, doodles, added pages and papers. Instead of getting a new sketchbook, she just keeps addin...

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