Hola amiges del tomate
Science things that I don’t understand because I’m lazy.
When planet goes hOla stuff goes bOOm! And now there are people and stuff. No gods or shezz in this world. Well there is “shezz” but no creator figures.
Like every single show I’ve watched 😿 Avatar, The Jojo, HxH, Genshin, lots of anime’s and cartoons. I have 0 attention span for non-magic things.
Very similar if not the same as here on Earth.
Mommyyyy I don’t knowiowisowiaokeow
Magic attained by oopsies
In this timeline, this universes technology is around as developed as the early 1900’s. It’s not very widespread and the center of its development is in the smaller northern-most countries. One country has a bit more modern technology, but is almost completely cut off from the rest of the world, barely anything goes into that country and barely anything comes out. They have a strong military.
Transportation on Eris is usually done on horses, trains, and boats. They also had some cars and planes, those were rather rare to see. Cars and such were not exactly the same as the ones you’d think of from the early 1900’s they were a small bit better because resources are easier to get and they tended to be easier to build thanks to magic.
Communication was like with radio, mail, bad phones, basically what you’d expect.