info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

~The Mafia Story~

Description - How would you describe ~The Mafia Story~?

Mafia universe Bs

Genre - What genre best describes ~The Mafia Story~?


date_range History
gavel Systems
edit Notes
This universe contains...
5 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Valentino Selby Sex Branch Head
group Allison Moretti Daughter of Family boss Wardrobe manager in Sex Branch
group Alonso Moretti Son Of Family Boss Heir To The Family
group Dustin McDonald Amazing Hacker
group Andie Lynch Best Sniper

6 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Sex Branch Where are the stuff associated with sex branch business are
terrain Clovers Pub the one that is ran by the Irish mafia
terrain Sugars Pent House Where sugar lives
terrain Valentine Bar The one that sugar got kidnapped from
terrain Castel Bar Causal bar that looks a bit old fashion but in a cool way
terrain Moretti's House

This universe was created by Peyton Jones on

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