info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

The Final Loop

Description - How would you describe The Final Loop?

A BatIM AU that currently has a story being written right now. You can find it here:

book History
Origin - How did The Final Loop originate?

Henry wakes up in Joey's apartment and dreads the next loop until he finds something that gives him an idea on how to break the cycle.

He continues on while expecting things to go as normal... That is, until he finds out that the cellar isn't boarded up anymore.

gavel Rules
edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for The Final Loop?

Parts of the canon story for BatIM I wasn't really satisfied with, but I also had a cool what if surrounding the End Reel you get in Chpt 5.

It also includes some of the "concepts" you get to see in Joey's Apartment, and does some (what I like to think are) interesting takes on ideas I get.

history Changelog
This universe contains...
3 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Samuel Lawrence Main Character
group Henry Stein Main Character Protagonist
group Joey Drew Main Character Confused Morals

This universe was created by Lysander on

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