info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

The Storywars cinematic universe

Description - How would you describe The Storywars cinematic universe?

A place where former storywars writers may become heroes or villains of their own tales.

Genre - What genre best describes The Storywars cinematic universe?

Alternate history

date_range History
History - What is The Storywars cinematic universe’s history?

The Heros of storywars have lost their long-fought war. But they still have tales to tell and places to discover. This world is theirs to sculpt.

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in The Storywars cinematic universe?

Whatever you make them

Magic System - What is the magic system like in The Storywars cinematic universe?


Technology - What is the level of technology like in The Storywars cinematic universe?


edit Notes

Create yourself as a hero or villian. Craft your perfect sword, write about your cottage in the woods. This is our world to discover. Go crazy.

  • person Owner
  • person YD

    Created universe over 4 years ago

This universe contains...
9 characters reorder
group Characters close
group YD
group Luke V. hero
group NotAnAssassin Neutral. Does not assassinate people.
group Piscesius Hoppenshplog the fourth. quirky sidekick to Scorpio. Considers himself a superhero, but has only useless powers. His powers are pulling useless objects out of nowhere, Singing so terrible that it can make people cringe an...
group El Komodos Drago
group Zelphin Minor hero
group Sterling Silver Dead Inside
group Scorpio :) Slightly confused, but somehow retains what's going on, even with her short attention span.
group Dave Companion and assistant to NotAnAssassin, Dave is a small incorporeal humanoid who appears to be made of shadow. Dave does not speak but does seem to be able to communicate with Nota somehow.

13 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain The Office Building An office building in the middle of the woods.
terrain Bean Town A quaint little village in the wilderness
terrain Grand Storiam The capital of the new world
terrain The Civilization (edit this if you want) The Civilization is located in the southeast and contains the New Genre districts.
terrain The Hall of Writers A sprawling white castle
terrain Story Wars The gates are locked
terrain The Pit It's a pit. I kinda wanna go down there.
terrain The Kidney Stones A majestic mountain range.
terrain Hypogeous Highway A subway connecting Grand Storium and The Civilization, as well as running between the Genre-Districts.
terrain Ecliciacon Ancient Chinese buildings rest atop treacherous cliffs, held together by bridges and poles. Lush and thick-leafed trees branch from cracks in the stone, accompanied by glimmering waterfalls. It...
terrain The Big Sad: River of Tears This river is made of tears. It runs from the southwest Kidney Stones, between The Office Building and The Pit, and angles southeast. The Lesser Sad branches off of The Big Sad southwest of The Hal...
terrain Johns Manifest A beached paddle boat.
terrain The Three Swords In the mountains outside EC, Story Wars stand three swords representing Team Dreamer, Equipe Lune, and Forgetful Cows together with IDK Kiddos.

7 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Keanu Reaves Magic Sword
emoji_events Magic Fedora of Smell Magical Fedora
emoji_events Power Thomas uses this to destroy the lives of the users of SW
emoji_events The Pouch of Rando This is a fanny pack that Dr. Blunt pulls random things out of.
emoji_events Pen: Creator of worlds
emoji_events Not A Flamethrower™ A flamethrower made by Elon Musk's The Boring Company. Property of Nota.
emoji_events Nota's Map A map of the new world as interpreted by NotAnAssassin. Created by NotAnAssassin.

This universe was created by YD on with 7 contributors.

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