info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Zandronia?

This is a realm/universe containing five main regions: the dusk mountain region, the scarlet woodland region, the kingdom of Pinrith, the cloud region, and the cave region. It has a diverse group of magics and religions and is aesthetically similar to medieval culture in several ways, primarily within the region of Pinrith.

Genre - What genre best describes Zandronia?

Dark fantasy

date_range History
History - What is Zandronia’s history?

This realm's history is generations old, and all the cultures are set in stone and remain the same as millennia pass. Again, the technological advancement is that of the medieval era and, while Zandronia has been around far longer than Earth, technology is fairly behind. But really who needs technology when you have magic systems?

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Zandronia?

Laws of physics pertain to Earth's own, however cosmic and elemental magic cast illusions and disrupt various laws of Earth's physics in this world. Besides the interference of magic, physics are quite similar.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Zandronia?

There are multiple magic systems, one for each region.

Pinrith, land of witches: Witchcraft and potions
Lybrina, land of caves: Hypnotism
Asmaria land of the clouds: Fairy magic (controls light and nature, healing powers)
Scarlet Woodland, land of sprites: Cosmic magic, illusion casting

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Zandronia?

Medieval era technology

edit Notes
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This universe was created by queenie 🤪 on

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