info Overview
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Void Real frontlines

date_range History
gavel Rules
edit Notes
folder_open reality
folder_open Ruins void
This universe contains...
5 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Japan
terrain Arka Ruins
terrain Void Realm realm with creatures, gods,ect..
terrain South Korea Located near china
terrain Clearglass Elven like grounds where many merchants and entertainers come from and work. An area Split into villages, towns, and city’s. Population mainly consists of elves,half-breeds , sprites,and glass crea...

1 item reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Summoners Blood A substance that has multiple forms such as gas,liquid and solid. Is used in spells and potions. Also is used for treating illnesses and enhancing true users physical or mental abilities.

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This universe was created by M. A’inie on

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