info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Genre - What genre best describes Ensemble?

Sci-Fi, Heist, bit of cyberpunk

Description - How would you describe Ensemble?

Who needs morals when you can have fun, money, and revenge? Fighting corruption helps too, but let's be honest, it's about the money.

book History
History - What is Ensemble’s history?

During WW3, those who weren't sent off to serve in the deadliest war yet often became factory workers, looking to help their country in other ways. Of course these jobs didn't exactly appeal to the rich, resulting in a strong, working lower class. However, many of the workers in munitions factories were exposed to large amounts of a chemical that turned the victim's blood an odd blueish color. This was the creation of Blue Blood, a mostly benign condition that happens to be hereditary. Due to the health concerns surrounding this new condition, other factory resources, and the strain of the war, many industries collapsed. As WW3 ended, with all sides suffering more deaths than the war was worth, the world entered an age of uncertainty. With the end of the war, population decrease, and economic collaspes, there was a large scale recession. This recession resulted in a slow to progress and technology, as well as widespread poverty. As countries are struggling to rise from the recession, new technologies are being made. However, there are also new problems, such as the social bias against Blue Bloods, due to their poor predecessors. Though racism and sexism have mostly died down, now bloodism is being used as a way to empower the rich.

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Ensemble?


Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Ensemble?

same laws as Earth

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Ensemble?

Advanced, hover tech?, advanced cellular and satellite tech, advanced weaponry, Facial Recognition

edit Notes

*Civilizations shrink due to the war and large decrease in population

history Changelog
This universe contains...
10 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Assassin Fighter and Mercenary
group Psycho Villain
group Speed Driver and Gunner
group Goodie Hacker and Coder
group Main Leader and Competitor
group Party Actress and Pickpocket
group Darrell One of the designated sleazeballs of the Scums
group Doc Doctor and Dealer
group Tesla Inventor and Genius
group Corp

1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Scums The slums of the city where most of the crims and poorer people live

4 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Blue Blood A dominant blood type that changes the underlining color values of a person. Is often used as a cause for discrimination, as it originated in the lower classes. Was first caused due to a chemical c...
emoji_events Fighting ring that needs a name What once began as an innocent game turned into the most popular gambling sport. The objective of the game is to capture the holographic icon floating above your opponent. While there are more rule...
emoji_events Holo-goggles Visor-like electronic glasses that can be used for a multitude of reasons
emoji_events Facial Recognition Created by a tech company, target of the crew's heist due to its value and discrimination

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