info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe YetToBeDetermined?

Magic is not part of this world. Well, almost. There's four children, each holding special abilities such as healing, teleportation and mind reading. They are running from the Hunters, shadow creatures that take the shape of dogs. All while trying to take care of themselves and each other.
I don't write, this just seems like a a cool website to get together my world and character ideas

Genre - What genre best describes YetToBeDetermined?


date_range History
History - What is YetToBeDetermined’s history?

There was a Goddess of Sun and Life. She held and protected the Light, which gave her power to provide life. The humans abused this, demanding more and more until the goddess saw that the Light grew weak and dull. To protect it she split herself in four water, earth, sky and light. Each one given a piece of the Light to nurture and keep safe. The humans wanted their light back, and they created the Hunters. The humans were inexperienced in this magic, and the Hunters grew out of control, their only goal to hunt down the pure beings, the Tarshi's. Humans realized their mistake and left magic behind in shame. Sealed it up and covered their tracks. After centuries past, magic was forgotten altogether.. almost. I don't write, I draw. My bio describes what I'm doing on this website. I appreciate feedback and ideas and yep cool

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in YetToBeDetermined?

There is no magic. It has been sealed away after mortals realized what they had done in creating the Hunters. Of course they were sloppy and things are out of balance

Technology - What is the level of technology like in YetToBeDetermined?

None. Not modern.

edit Notes
This universe contains...
5 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Jade side antagonist?? Descendant of Ohr, who is the pure being of light
group Finn Part of Mayim, who is the Pure being of Water. antagonist-ish of the Water kids.
group ??? Descendant of Ohr, pure being of light.
group Jaison Descendant of Ohr; the pure being of Light. Ability of healing + energy beam.
group Kyra Descendant of Ohr. Motherly/caring/leader? of the main group we know about

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This universe was created by Patches Forever on

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