info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Neon Lights

Description - How would you describe Neon Lights?

Stormy a lot, usually dark

Genre - What genre best describes Neon Lights?


date_range History
History - What is Neon Lights’s history?

Honestly I'm way to tired to explain this in full length so I'll give you the original idea behind the comic: I was talking w/ my gf abt. comics and such and I made a character (Cas) in a sample that went like this:
CAS- How did you manage to lose your shirt?!
LEX- I-I dunno but quit looking!
CAS- ?!

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Neon Lights?


Magic System - What is the magic system like in Neon Lights?

there's monsters I guess??

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Neon Lights?


edit Notes

Just a comic lmao

This universe contains...
2 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Shinjuku A city or prefecture filled with technology
terrain New Paris: The City of Neon Lights A bustling city reminiscent to that of New York or Tokyo

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Necromancer Journals Two large books bound by leather and black magic. These books are filled with dark texts and spells
emoji_events Shredder gloves A pair of thick, black leather gloves with built in tungsten blades in the shape of long cat claws

Neon Lights appears in the following documents

This universe was created by finn :) on

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