info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Kitsune's Stomach

Description - How would you describe Kitsune's Stomach?

Magical World

Genre - What genre best describes Kitsune's Stomach?


date_range History
gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Kitsune's Stomach?

Normal, with some exceptions

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Kitsune's Stomach?


Technology - What is the level of technology like in Kitsune's Stomach?


edit Notes
This universe contains...
18 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Paul Size Changing Anthro Cat
group Thistle Snake Shapeshifter
group Paula Size Changing Anthro Cat
group Logan Size-Changer Anthro Wolf
group Chu Giant Pikachu
group Luca Submissive Luxray
group Alec Servant Demon
group Bailey Flirty and Seductive Neko
group Rachel Deceptive Riolu
group Ray Submissive Riolu
group King Gentlemanly Ninetales
group Queen Motherly Ninetales
group Shiela Dominating Arbok
group Flare Blunt and Animalistic Charzaird
group Ace Calm and Collected Lucario
group Willy Feral and Somewhat Dominant Wolverine
group Oscar Size Changing Anthro Wolf
group Arcane Researcher Arcanine

This universe was created by Paul Hodge on

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