A version of Earth, somewhat. It's a world where magic very well exists, and is common. In men. In most countries, women born with the magic gene are to be killed or punished, severity ranging depending on the strength of the woman's ability, and prior usage.
???? Normal???
But. Can be semi altered by certain magical abilities.
Magic is a hereditary gene that most commonly shows itself in men. The abilities are entirely at random, not at all based on that of the father's, or any male ancestor, although the strength of the ability is usually no greater than the father's.
A futuristic Earth, almost, Oraeth is more technologically advanced. Although the clothing has a blend of different eras, depending entirely on the country you are in, and your class. Technology is constantly advancing and being improved upon.
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Created universe almost 6 years ago
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Invited almost 6 years ago
This universe was created by crocs on Notebook.ai with 1 contributor.
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