info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Saldventures?

Where Sal lives. Seriously, it's pretty much our universe.

Genre - What genre best describes Saldventures?

Horror Adventure

date_range History
History - What is Saldventures’s history?

At the very beginnig, there was nothing but one being. It was everything. The beginning, the end and everything in between. The everything and the nothing and anyhting. And, because it was everything, it was very lonely. So it created everything to chase the loneliness away.
That being was named Mother.
She created the Worlds. Inside the Worlds, she put the Universes. Inside the Universes, the Galaxies. In the Galaxies, the Systems, formed by planets and stars. And in the planets, not all but in many, she put the perfect conditons for lifeforms. Those planets have their own structures attached to them, created to keep their balance: Realities and Dimensions.
She is then recognized as the Supreme, the Creator of All, the Great Everything.
Saldventures focuses on the planet named Earth, home of Humanity, in one Universe where the Supernatural and the Alien coexist.

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Saldventures?

It is like our world. The biggest Law, though, is the Law of Return, also known as Karma or Equivalent Exchange. Everything has its price, its answer. Consequences will always exist, no matter how much people may try to run.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Saldventures?

Magic is treated more like a science than anything, except is more connected to feelings than rational thought. It is also sentient to some degree, being able to have "moods" and throw "tantrums" among other things. Anyone can do magic with enough studying and open-mindness, but there are people who are already born with it and, therefore, their magic is likely to be stronger.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Saldventures?

It is still the 21th century, so, you know, smartphone and such.

edit Notes
account_balance Religion
Name and Description

It doesn't have a Name yet, but it's a polytheistic religion with the majority of deities being women.

Main Goddess/God

The Mother, Creator of All, The Great Everything, The Supreme.

Major Goddesses/Gods

Goddess of Life, Goddess of Death, Goddess of Time, Goddess of Space and Goddess of Eternity are the general ones.
Humans tend to put the ones directly connected to them in a higher position than others, so Goddess of Humanity, Human's Downfall (Goddess of Insanity, Love, Fear, Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath and Sloth) and Human's Ascension (Goddess of Imagination, Love, Bravery, Faith, Hope, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Temperance and Prudence).


Goddesses and Gods of the Sun, Moon, Earth and the other planets (including Pluto) and their moons.

Minor Goddesses/Gods

Those are Goddesses specifics of each planet, and they exist to make sure things work properly. Example, the Goddess of the Sea will make sure the oceans don't swallow the earth, among other things, the Goddess of Earth will make sure plants have what they need to grow, etc...
A notable group is one called Daughters of Humanity, and they're the Goddesses responsable for what makes a human. They are: The Spirit, The Body, The Mind, The Soul and the Emotions.

This universe contains...
2 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Estela "Sal" Cumberdale Main
group Amélia Silva Be Sal's sister and her support, going from a distant rival to a close partner. She's one of the point of view characters and actually the kickstarter of the whole adventure.

1 item reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Sunbone Cane form: It's just a normal cane made of light wood with a golden band where the handle connects to the rest of it. Sword form: It's a cutlass, the handle is made of a gold metal and the blade i...

This universe was created by Clara Parlato on

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