info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Normal to magic

Description - How would you describe Normal to magic?

It is the world we've all lived in. But there comes a day where the rules of life change with the addition of magic.

Genre - What genre best describes Normal to magic?

normal physics,

folder_open Groups
date_range History
History - What is Normal to magic’s history?

Same as our's starting in 2013, change from there.

Origin - How did Normal to magic originate?

The required level of belief in magic has been reached. Now ever dream and nightmare humans ever had has come to reality.

folder_open Characters
gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Normal to magic?

Most people don't know how to begin using magic.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Normal to magic?

set at 2013

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Normal to magic?

normal but where magic breaks it.

edit Notes

Normal doesn’t apply for the first most being instinctive.

Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Normal to magic?

The Dresden Files
The Demon Accords
Mercy Thompson

history Changelog
  • person Owner
  • person Adam Chanski

    Created universe about 6 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
  • person Adam Chanski

    Invited almost 5 years ago

This universe contains...
2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Teddy Golden brown Teddy Bear with white jacket. Will be a protector later on.
emoji_events hand gun

This universe was created by Adam Chanski on with 1 contributor.

See more from Adam Chanski
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