info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Agni?

A beautiful town that sits in between two rivers and is home to a large luscious forest. The only thing is.. the people that live there... age backwards.

Genre - What genre best describes Agni?


date_range History
gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Agni?

Magic is pulled from the water in their rivers

edit Notes
history Changelog
folder_open Magic
This universe contains...
1 character reorder
1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain vodopád mládeže (waterfall of youth) A huge flatland that drops off thousands of feet on each side and one large waterfall falls over the west side of it. The town of Agni is 19 miles away from the bottom of vodopád mládeže so they do...

1 item reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events kouzelný kámen ((czech)) a stone made of pearl that gives the holder piers to control time. Powers are time travel to the past(only a few years or so) and power to freeze time.

This universe was created by Ella Alexander on

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