info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


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  • person Owner
  • person Samar Greel

    Created universe almost 6 years ago

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folder_open Creatures
- {:name=>"What is this universe's name?", :genre=>"What genre best describes %{name}?", :history=>"What is %{name}’s history?", :origin=>"How did %{name} originate?", :description=>"How would you describe %{name}?", :laws_of_physics=>"What are the laws of physics like in %{name}?", :magic_system=>"What is the magic system like in %{name}?", :technology=>"What is the level of technology like in %{name}?", :inspiration=>"What were your major sources of inspiration for %{name}?"}

This is really weird

This universe contains...

This universe was created by Samar Greel on with 1 contributor.

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