info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Genre - What genre best describes A CHARMING SELECTION?


Description - How would you describe A CHARMING SELECTION?


book History
History - What is A CHARMING SELECTION’s history?

The tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves has been told for centuries, all over the world. We have heard of the story countless times throughout our lifetimes, about how Snow White woke up due to true love’s kiss, about the fate of the Evil Queen, about they lived happily ever after. As dubious as it seems, we were never told what really happened to Snow White and her prince. For instance, Snow White is really called Arttemidora and the Evil Queen is actually called Leonora. Unlike the fairytale we are so used to, the pair, Arttemidora and Prince Charming weren’t strangers when he kissed her. The two had encountered each other while the prince of Ocaylia and his folks had visited Leonora in her palace when Arttemidora was eleven years old. From there, the two children had found out that they were betrothed by their parents.

However, due to Arttemidora running away from the palace, the young boy’s parents sent him out to search for his fiancée. The Ocaylian Prince spent the next four years searching for Snow White with his horse. He was exhausted after a few years of wandering around forests, hoping to stumble across Arttemidora someday. However, one afternoon, he came across a cottage, and from there, he saw several little dwarves surrounding a casket. Nearing the casket, he peered into the box and saw his fiancée, Arttemidora, lying there, unconscious. Not really thinking of a plan, the prince lowered his head into the casket and hesitantly attached his lips to Arttemidora’s, hoping that it would wake her up. However, she stayed unconscious and the dwarves pronounced her dead. Disappointed, the prince headed back home, ready to tell his parents that his fiancée was now dead.

Hearing that their son would not be getting married anytime soon due to the lack of, well, a bride, the King and Queen of Ocaylia arranged a selection for their son. Only wishing that the boy’s wedding will actually take place. Girls from all over Ocaylia entered this selection for the Ocaylian Prince, and finally, twenty two girls were selected to participate. Out of twenty two hopeful girls, only one will end up living in the palace permanently, as the new Queen of Ocaylia.

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in A CHARMING SELECTION?

Magic, yes.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in A CHARMING SELECTION?

Normal, no flying, yeah, okay.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in A CHARMING SELECTION?

No tech, but yes, magic.

edit Notes

Welcome to my first selection roleplay! This is going to be an open roleplay so anyone can join if they want to. There is a limited amount of spots in this selection. You have to claim a province on the respective post to enter. This is my first roleplay so remember that my writing and roleplaying skills may not be the best, but I’ll definitely try my hardest. I won’t keep this long so that you may read the rest. Keep in mind that it is the year 1513.

history Changelog
folder_open OC Format

NAME: [ first, middle, last ]
BIRTHDATE: [ day, month, year ]
AGE: [ 16-19 ]

CASTE: [ dm me if you wish to put your oc in caste two ]


APPEARANCE: [ minimum of eye colour, hair colour, height, and weight ]

PERSONALITY: [ maximum of six qualities ]
LIKES: [ maximum of four ]
DISLIKES: [ maximum of four ]
FEARS: [ maximum of four ]
FLAWS: [ maximum of five ]
HABITS: [ maximum of three ]
RANDOM FACTS: [ maximum of three ]

[ maximum of three paragraphs ]


folder_open Provinces
List of provinces and the claimer of each. [ IF YOU CLAIMED ONE BUT YOUR NAME IS NOT THERE, DM ME ON QUIZUP ]

[ 1 ] Orshore
[ 2 ] Erimere — imperfection
[ 3 ] Bywynne — CAPTURED
[ 4 ] Merrimont — 𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘪 𝘰𝘧 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘴 ™
[ 5 ] Snowby — -NYC-
[ 6 ] Stinyia
[ 7 ] Tromery — #ILUVRP
[ 8 ] Rizal
[ 9 ] Mioby
[ 10 ] Zholis — Capulet
[ 11 ] Marique
[ 12 ] Maulaca
[ 13 ] Cramencia
[ 14 ] Pensia 
[ 15 ] Mauscland
[ 16 ] Minis
[ 17 ] Eacia
[ 18 ] Ignacia — 𝓈𝑒𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓂 𝓂𝒶𝓇𝒾𝒶
[ 19 ] Reiania
[ 20 ] Villaroma — ➳ metanoia
[ 21 ] Paterna
[ 22 ] Kavalika — ❛ 𝑒𝓉 𝓉𝓊, 𝒷𝓇𝓊𝓉𝑒 ❜

folder_open Dates To Remember
Important Dates

SEPT. 01 — Opening of A Charmimg Selection and start of advertising.
SEPT. 25 — All bios must be posted.  Including the royal family’s.
SEPT. 26 — End of advertising [ winners will be announced on October 1st ].
SEPT. 27 — Start of the Welcoming Interview roleplays [ please post a roleplay along with an outfit ].
SEPT. 30 — End of the Welcoming Interview roleplays.
OCT. 1 — Announcing of advertisement winners.
OCT. 05 — Start of the MTPs [ please post a roleplay along with an outfit ].
OCT. 08 — End of the MTPs
OCT. 10 — Ranking of the selected according to the public will be posted. Please comment your OC’s reaction under their name [ ranking will be based off of your OC’s Welcoming Interview ].
OCT. 13 — First Rose Ceremony will be posted. Please comment your OC’s reaction under their name. [ based off of your OC’s meeting with the prince ].

folder_open Original Characters [ PREVIEWS AND BIOS ]
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