info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Another Americana

Genre - What genre best describes Another Americana ?

Romance, Slice-of-Life, NOT YA (That genre bothers me).

Description - How would you describe Another Americana ?

Pretty much America, but just 1000% better. A kind of perfect reality, but not perfect.

book History
History - What is Another Americana ’s history?

This country was discovered and not taken from anyone. No wars. Just a cultured civilization that grew from fertile ground and cooperation and a bit of love. Many climates and gets from below freezing and up to 98 degrees Fahrenheit, all over the country. Deserts and beautiful coasts, huge clean metropolises, forests and small suburban towns.

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Another Americana ?

None, except the "coincidences" that some people think are more than just that.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Another Americana ?

Same laws as Earth.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Another Americana ?

Very advanced, but simply to aid and assist with day-to-day life. AI is illegal.

edit Notes
history Changelog
This universe contains...
7 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Theo Armena Owns an awesome restaurant in the town. Loves the whole gang.
group Lemon L'blanc
group Marina Parker Minor character
group Miguel Parker Fiery + Cool
group Lulu L'blanc Main character. 3 of 4.
group Clover Black Main character. One of four.
group Ezra Jones Main character. 2 of 4.

This universe was created by RacheyRach on

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