a landmass mastly surrounded by an 'Endless Sea'. The citizens are cut off by a deep mountain range that connects to unknown lands
Dark Fantasy
In the beginning of Argeddon,there was magic in the air. Large, mythical creatures walked the land and flew through the air. In order to seize control of the land and ensure survival however, Animen and Humans worked together to make a sacrifice by locking all the magic in a Grand temple. This caused many creatures and plants to vanish, as well as changed the geography of the world. This sacrifice took a huge toll on the Animen, and were honoured for it, gaining power and influence as a trade for their weakened state. After thousands of years, Animen Gained much power, to where they were considered Gods by the humans. However, the Animen became corrupt and took advantage of power, and humans overthrew them in a historic revolution. After many wars, Animen lost the battle and retreated into a dense forest where it was thought that they had perished. However, a large city was built in the new kingdom, and later two other kingdoms arose in the dense forest. The humans seized control of much of the world and fight amongst themselves. The magic of the old world had been forgotten.
Middle ages- little technology, but becoming closer to a ‘Renaisance’
Physics are similar to Earth Physics. The is a magic that alters landmasses reaction to gravity
There is a second ‘nature’, that affects the world differently than regular ‘nature’. Six limbed creatures are typically formed from the second ‘nature’
Because of once coexisting, Animen and Humans have similar belief systems
This universe was created by Monica Mytroen on
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