info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Genre - What genre best describes Empedocles?

Fantasy, everyone controls an element. Light and dark are the two strongest kingdoms.

Description - How would you describe Empedocles?

There are seven lands, one for each element, and one land where everyone from the seven lands can come together, you have to be strong to make it there though.

book History
History - What is Empedocles’s history?

Once upon a friggin time, a land was created. There were only eight people. there was a man, His name was Empedocles. There were also seven children, Fos (light), Skotadi (darkness), Gi (earth), Aeras (air), Fotia (fire), Aithir (aether) and Nero (water). Empedocles took care of the children and nurtured them into adulthood. They were blessed with Mageia, powers to control the elements. The strongest of them all were Fos Aithir and Skotadi. After Empedocles death, Fos and Skotadi began a clan. They created life and creatures all over the world. They called their world Empedocles. peace and harmony rang through the forests and rivers until Skotadi became jealous. He wished for more power. The elements went to war. Fos and Skotadi ended it. Aithir was killed by the two in the midst of battle. The clan was divided. Light and dark became enemies. All of the elements began their own clans. Darkness lived in the forest, lush with pine trees. Light lived in a hot desert, filled with dunes and plateaus. Fire escaped to islands covered in volcanos. Water lived by the ocean with rivers flowing into it.
Earth lived on some of the tallest mountains. And air lived in the vast plains. As time went on, the clans developed and people built homes and governments. Some became tired of living alone with their clan only and joined with similar people from all clans and made one area in the middle of it all where they could live peacefully with each other. It is now called Lumin.

gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in Empedocles?

Medieval technologies such as wheels and catapults.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Empedocles?

If you are powerful and not in the royal family, you can either become a knight for the royalties or wear a bracelet to control your abilities.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Empedocles?

Same as now but people can control elements.

edit Notes

Set in the Medieval times (1400s)

history Changelog
  • person Owner
  • person Kp

    Created universe about 6 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
  • person Ally Page

    Invited about 6 years ago

This universe contains...
7 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Al dorien He helps out at the castle but mostly hangs out at the beach son
group Ena Fos Prince of the Light Clan
group Nych Skotadi Prince of the Dark clan
group Itsi Fos Princess of the Light Clan
group Alex
group Dyo Fos Prince of the Light Clan
group Alex

2 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Dark Realm Home to the Dark clan. The large trees block nearly all sunlight and most residents are sassy.
terrain Light Realm Home to the Light clan. It is often scorching hot and despite the sun always shining, its residents are all very pale.

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Itsi's bracelet This bracelet's charm is a bead of concentrated light.
emoji_events Nych's squirrel tail The long, fluffy tail of a grey squirrel. Nych wears it on his side, connected to a twine around his hips.

This universe was created by Kp on with 1 contributor.

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