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    Invited over 6 years ago

This universe contains...
4 characters reorder
group Characters close
group jay Side character
group jack k robberts the hero who is misunderstood as a villain\main character
group doggie more comic relief
group senore bony comedic relief

3 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain jacks house its a modern house on the outside with 2 bedroom ad 3 bath but there is a secret lab under the coat closet. get to it by arranging the coat hangers in a specific order and the backe opens up to a s...
terrain the secret lab a laboratory under jacks house with all his weapons and clones to replace himself whenever jack dies
terrain dried bone lights,music, and good times galore.well that is if you take out the mafia gangs the violence in the street thugs and the trail of destruction left behind by mark and jack

5 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events hookshot a a metal wrist gauntlet that shoots a chain with a arrow like tip that can be fired and retracted back to the user for the use of a grappling gun
emoji_events multi watch a watch when the hand button is pressed is displayed a holo gram with a selection of many things, health kit that heals all wounds, tech scan that can by pass any security lock. ect the only thing ...
emoji_events slide sword scimitar without the hand guard where a button that makes the sword part go into the handle making it good for mobility
emoji_events pistol small typical gun with a 16 shot mag
emoji_events orphan savior a sawd off shotgun that is borrowed from a gun shop that senor boney duel wields

This universe was created by Victor Pantaleon on with 1 contributor.

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