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  • person Owner
  • person Huxly

    Created universe almost 7 years ago

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  • person NapNoop

    Invited almost 7 years ago

This universe contains...
4 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Provenio School of the Magical Arts Provenio School of the Magical Arts is one of the most outstanding magic schools in Klastonis. It used to be called Broadnik School of Magical Mysteries, but it was changed after a two-month battle...
terrain Diamond Beach
terrain The Blessed Dunes of Azkalioth Mighty Sand Dunes that lead to a wonderful beach. There's nothing that special about them except for the fact that they've been blessed by the Goddess of Stars, Avannah.
terrain The Floating City of Cherrishan Cherrishan is the most advanced city In Kora

8 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Serpent's Wrath A small ovular icon on a fine string. The symbol has a serpent- like creature of unknown origin. Surrounding it are what looks like ancient Raelian words.
emoji_events Statuette of R'holfadi A small statue made of silver and wood. It shows the goddess R'holfadi firing an arrow out of her bow.
emoji_events Leaf Necklace a small necklace made of small chains and a cute green colored-glass leaf. On the back it writes, "To a beautiful mother and wife."
emoji_events Scarf of many Stars It's a scarf... with some magical properties
emoji_events Jurn Claw A claw from a bear-like species called a Jurn.
emoji_events Orbulum A ring used by astronomers. If you take it off and look through it, you can see into the cosmos.
emoji_events The Fist of the Vindex A thick Leather glove with strange symbols on each finger, palm, and back of the hand. Who knows what they represent?...
emoji_events Statuette of Toroese A small statue of the god Toroese. It shows him rearing back on his hind legs and holding a strangely colored orb.

1 creature reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Drahalojje People love 'em like dogs, but hey are also known for their commonly red- orange scales. Their blue eyes contrast beautifully with the color of their body, so if you ever look at one, you are sure ...

2 deities reorder
ac_unit Deities close
ac_unit Toroese Toroese resembles a minotaur and is the god of peace and prosperity. He uses a long pole that splits into a T shape. On each end, there are circular stones that show prosperity on one side, and pe...
ac_unit Avanah Avanah is the goddess of the stars. She is typically shown to be a bird-like entity with wings the size of moons. Since she's more of a shy goddess she tends to stay away from other celestial being...

This universe was created by Huxly on with 1 contributor.

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