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This universe contains...
12 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Rieni Enemy
group Feg'ri Mother
group Pai'ek Pai'ek is the god of the sun and he is also Cyrus' father
group Benjamin Mentor
group Tyler Evans Supporting character
group Andrea Treswood Supporting character
group Alejandro Davis Supporting character
group Erik Simmons Main Antagonist
group Naomi Diane Hartley Main character
group Natalie Grace Williams Supporting character; antagonist
group Cyrus Greene Best friend
group Parker Thompson Supporting character

1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Ametlurk Dreamland that children of Feg'ri can control

8 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Feg'ri Night Dagger black steel dagger with a moon emblem on the hilt that matches the necklace inherited by children of Feg'ri
emoji_events Pai'ek Sun Sword Gold sword with a sun emblem on the hilt that matches the necklace inherited by children of Pai'ek
emoji_events Day Stone white rays of light radiating off of a certain point
emoji_events Naomi's Moon Necklace silver crescent moon, surrounded by little stars
emoji_events Cyrus' Sun Necklace a gold sun in a band of gold. Symbols litter the band and it whole thing is on a chain.
emoji_events Night Stone gem like stone with a reddish crystalized appearance at the bottom with blends into a solid black.
emoji_events Blades of Blessed it is a simple sword with a leather wrap on the hilt. It also has a small emblem of Feg'ri that you have to be looking for to see
emoji_events Storm Stone It is a clear gem, that looks like a blue lightning storm is brewing inside

This universe was created by BLB_bulld0g on

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