Absurdist Theological Fantasy/Scifi Speculative Fiction
Domain of the Prima Universum
Created by Jordan Bone. Thereby she became sentient and upon the creation of Rerum Station Burgin she began to give Gifts to sentient life. Gifted early humans such as Izi Olmez who formed the Trade Nation, a secret nation of humans who had the Gift. They were discovered in the 23rd century and after three decades of war began the process of integrating into human society. When Universe became unlivable for human life they evacuated into the next one and the Prima Universum's wife, Natalya Pachelbel, stayed with her for the rest of her lifespan and inherited her role as the second Universe.
The Prima Universum may manipulate reality and Gift individuals
Like ours with the exception of any choices made by the Prima Universum
Develops at a similar rate to ours until the 23rd century
This universe was created by Anatoliy Kuragin on
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