info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Natura?

The universe was born at the time of the creation of the internet. As technology rose in our world, the mythical and natural creatures of our world ripped a hole in time and space and created Natura as a refuge. They welcome only select people there.

Genre - What genre best describes Natura?

High virtue; high logic (magical fantasy)

date_range History
History - What is Natura’s history?

Before Natura, our world and the world of natura existed on the same plane. Fairies, elves and other creatures could simply exist without people noticing them. However, as technology grew more powerful, natura grew more powerful in a response. It is the yang to this world's yin.

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Natura?

The laws of physics are similar to our world but creatures can use the powers of the four elements: earth, air, fire, water.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Natura?

In Natura, the magics are constrained to natural elements: earth, air, fire, water. All magics are built around these concepts. A person can have a proclivity in a certain area based on their personality, genetics, or birth date (astrological sign). They cannot do ANY magic outside of manipulating the four elements. For example, they can shoot fire, make waves, create a tornado, or make plants grow. You do have to have a magical element to make this work. For example, you need to have a special staff to command water.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Natura?

There is no technology in Natura because they have magic instead. They communicate telepathically. They also use teleportation.

edit Notes

Creatures- sphinx, phoenix,

This universe contains...
3 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Fliona Threshold Guardians
group Eve The Idealist
group Grim Bruiser with a Soft Center

5 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain The Whispering Caves Off the coast of Natura's main continent, Gaiadom, you can find the Whispering Caves. These caves are magical in that a person would drown if they tried to enter without being granted access. Howev...
terrain Wildia This is an island where all the dangerous creatures, plants, and geographic features are assigned. It's like the prison of Natura.
terrain The meadow Soft rolling grass hills. Wildflowers blooming all year long. In the winter, the meadow is resistant to snow.
terrain The Glen Like a Fairy Circle.
terrain The Cliffs of Falcon Haven Falcon Haven began shortly after the technological revolution. It was after this point that creatures were going extinct at a rapid pace. The air fairies felt that they needed to keep a better eye ...

1 item reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events The Mirror of the Pond This is a mirror that is located within the Pond of the meadow. If you look into it, it will reveal your Earth counterpart. The water fairies are especially good at viewing their Earthlings and so ...

This universe was created by Mrs. Casey on

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