info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Future gay teachers or smth

Description - How would you describe Future gay teachers or smth?

Earth but a century or so in the future

Genre - What genre best describes Future gay teachers or smth?

Dystopian (????)Fiction

book History
History - What is Future gay teachers or smth’s history?

Takes place in 2104. The modern world collapsed after a world war. Now, another major war drags on, with mandatory conscription for anyone without a "necessary" job (Teacher, doctor, paramedic, first-responder, or actor, for some reason) above the age of 16 and under 45. Therefore, most schools have developed a live-in program because many children are missing one or both parents. Everything has become very very expensive except for bioengineered food and electricity, therefore the idea of getting medical help for something has become a sort of joke. Only the immensely rich would ever call an ambulance, and only the upper-middle class would even consider going to a hospital. Medication is more expensive but some types can be insured by the government. Approximately 25 years ago, the government had conducted an experiment with a new type of radiation that was supposed to build a less deadly bomb. Through animal testing, it was determined safe for human tests. However, humans were much more strongly affected by this radiation, which created a chronic illness that killed every host. Many other people in the vicinity of the testing were affected and a drug was created that would lessen the affect. The government covers half of the cost of the medication, leaving it merely extremely expensive.

gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in Future gay teachers or smth?

Technology has evolved but is now very expensive.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Future gay teachers or smth?


Magic System - What is the magic system like in Future gay teachers or smth?


edit Notes
history Changelog
  • person Owner
  • person A. A.

    Created universe over 6 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
  • person Alec Gamez

    Invited over 6 years ago

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This universe was created by A. A. on with 1 contributor.

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