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This universe contains...
6 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Queen Ngozi Current Ruling Queen.
group Princess Zakhele of Amkwana Heir to the Throne.
group Princess Mbahli Second in line for the throne.
group Prince Kofi Last in line for the throne.
group Princess Kayin Fifth in line for the throne.
group Prince Chikere Third in line for the throne.

2 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Amkwana Amkwana is a wealthy and futuristic country run by a monarchy. It has a rich culture and unlike other parts of Africa, resisted colonization and the slave trade, allowing it to develop a lot quicke...
terrain Royal Palace The Royal Palace is the dwelling place of the Amkwanan Royal Family. The palace grounds take up a private sector of the beach, and extend far enough for there to be gardens. Beyond the palace, are ...

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