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This universe contains...
11 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Rosa Sendson Once knew the queen and king, and is Kye's mother.
group Ravi Felipe Irom Felipe's father, Matheo's brother, Maranne's old affair.
group Kye Sendson Aisha's love interest, an important member of the royal guard, someone who helped Felipe escape, Rosa's son, and someone who tried to protect Maranne.
group Esmeralda Sendson Kye's sister
group Sigrun She is a witch that tries to capture Felipe, but he ends her life for her instead
group Maranne Von Smittenl She's the old ruler of the kingdom, a suspect for the murder of the king, and Felipe's mother.
group Matheo Maroon Former king, Felipe's uncle, Maranne's former husband, Aisha's father
group Felipe Von Smitenl He is the son of the queen, and is the main character. Either that, or he is one of the main characters.
group Koroma Sendson Kye and Esmeralda's sister, daughter of Rosa and Jacquon Sendson, and Esmeralda's business partner.
group Aisha Maroon The daughter of the former king, family of Felipe, ruler of the kingdom, and love interest of Henry
group Oil They are the one that gives the Prince advice after the queen sends him away, and they also give him directions to the castle, even spending a few nights with them while the Prince is on his journ...

4 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events The Box of Crystals It's a small wooden box that when opened with the key that only the queen and Aisha have (they both have their own boxes) turns into a much larger box. In fact, when opened, it turns into something...
emoji_events Red Aventurine ring A ring with a large red aventurine in the middle and two tiny blue, clouded diamonds above it. The thread of the ring goes around the finger like a vine, wrapping around it securely.
emoji_events Pink Sapphire Necklace The pink sapphire is small and in the shape of a circle, surrounded by tiny clear crystals and a metal chain with average sized chain holder togethers.
emoji_events The Wedding Ring (Matheo) A silver band ring with tiny pink morganite crystals studded into the side.

This universe was created by Sammy on

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