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This universe contains...
6 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Darkfang Kotarr Kaelana’s second mate and advisor, ex-shadowclanner
group Audrey VonGem Kaelana’s daughter and a general in her army
group Kaelana VonGem The subject of a strange prophecy. Main character
group Fallon Lumier Kaela's first mate
group Ariel VonGem Kaelana’s daughter and one of her best strategists
group Shade Kotarr Leader of the New Shadows and Kaelana’s main enemy

4 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Loon Leading "city" of the Moon Territory
terrain Kaela and Fallon's Den Kaela and Fallon's den, where they raised their pups.
terrain Moon Territory A large wolf territory where Kaela was born.
terrain Shadow Territory The Wolf Territory that Shade Kotarr is from.

This universe was created by Avery on

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