info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Genre - What genre best describes Crystal?


Description - How would you describe Crystal?

Kids with magic take over the world. 367 years later, the Empire is about to fall

book History
History - What is Crystal’s history?

2021: North Korea sponsors a failed coup in Egypt. Although this leads to them being expelled from the UN for war crimes, it causes serious damage to the Pyramids, where a host of new discoveries are found, including the tomb of Nefertiti, which has been lost for millennia.
2022: Jake Harkness goes to the British Museum on a school trip, studying the Tomb of Nefertiti in Ancient Egypt. There he sees an amulet, which flies through the glass to settle around his neck before promptly disappearing. He begins to hear voices.
Later, Tom Addison, an old friend, turns up at his door. His eyes are a cloudy purple, and after stumbling into Jake's bedroom, collapses.
The Crystal speaks to both of them in a dream, and they begin the long road to setting up an empire.
2022/2023: They take control of a small African country, boost its economy, hire talented kids to produce magical products (like flying cars and weapons) and sell them to other countries. They are added to the UN, where they indoctrinate the world's top politicians and heads of state.
2023: They conquer the entire continent of Africa, they meet a girl slave from Singapore who promises to lead a similar takeover of the East. She does this with twice the efficiency of the two boys.
Late 2023: The indoctrination of the UN is complete, they now only need their trust to complete the process; Time to attack the one country not in the UN - North Korea.
2024: The war for North Korea rages on, supported by indoctrinated politicians from the West. The East are powerless, held hostage by Rin and her viciously effective indoctrination campaign.
Late 2024: The first Crystal bomb is detonated beneath Pyongyang, killing the North Korean leadership and many civilians. A lie is spread that it was detonated by the government in an attempt to end the war by leaving no civilians alive to capitulate. After riots, the public have no leadership, and are forced to surrender, which the Crystal Empire swiftly take hold of and indoctrinate.
2025: Almost everyone in the world is indoctrinated, and governments capitulate to Crystal rule, one by one. The few unaffected by the crystals

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Crystal?

There are 9 types of magic. These types usually follow hereditary lines but not always.
See Notes for different types.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Crystal?

Pretty solid modern physics, but a shard of crystal can amplify any energy put into it.
NOTE This cannot go above the speed of light.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Crystal?

Varies greatly: Natures have practically no technology and are entirely magical, whereas Light and Dark have modern technology improved by magic.

edit Notes

LIGHTS AND DARKS are often intertwined and tend to find the petty fights and politics between the other magics pointless.
Light - Manipulation of light, lasers etc. Computers at this point work using beams of light, so most advanced technology is designed and manufactured by Light.

Dark - Manipulation of shadows, the dark and also the mind. Distrusted by the other magics due to the fact that they are often secretive, quiet and almost nocturnal.

ELEMENTALS Pretty much follow Avatar TLA lines.
Water - Control of liquids, ice and water vapour. Though Airs technically have control over the weather, clouds are a point of contention - as are potions.
Air - Control of Air, the weather and all forms of gases. Beware angry Airs, unless you want it to rain for the next week. Big part of the chemical industry too.
Earth - Control of the ground and precious metals. They all like mining simulator 2254, even if they won't admit it.

Fire - Control of fire, heat and spicy food. Beware Curries and Mexican food.

NATURES AND TECHS have been at each other's throats forever.
Natures - Control of plants and animals (except humans). Very strong natures can manipulate DNA in eggs, although this is illegal.

Techs - Can control and create industrial revolution (steampunk) technologies. Leading in prosthetics, and their factories pump out atmosphere-repairing chemicals, fixing 200+ years of pollution by adults.

CRYSTALS are very rare, and are often found and placed at the very top of society.
Crystal - Only have one power but this is very powerful, such as seeing the future, impenetrable shields or portalling across continents.

history Changelog
  • person Owner
  • person Will

    Created universe almost 7 years ago

This universe contains...
11 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Zachary Michael Adelson Antagonist to a point
group Carlos Santiago Ibanez Main Character
group Renée Marchand Smart Female, but not as smart as hermione
group Sasha Ivanovich Romanov Excitable and immature friend
group Rin Tanaka Leader of the Eastern Revolution
group Nadia Kabir Spy
group Samuel Christi Best (boy)friend of Carlos
group Thomas James Addison Love Interest of Jake, Sets up the modern Crystal Empire, Headmaster of School
group Laetitia Eze Brilliant Scientist
group Max Santiago Ibanez Enemy of the State, Brother of Carlos
group Jake Harkness The First Revolutionary

2 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Crystal Imperial College A 3 story high cylindrical tower, hidden behind the grandiose entrances and archways of the university. All over its sides was a mural, each depicting an Emperor.
terrain Crystal Island A huge island, floating two hundred

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events The Crystal Headpiece of Nefertiti A great gold headpiece, laden with jewels of every colour, shape and size, the edges looped with a golden chain. In the centre, a purple crystal barely larger than a thumbprint drew the eyes of eve...
emoji_events Shiv ka bled A Standard issue military knife, but when the blade is pulled, it glows with a purple sheen.

This universe was created by Will on with 1 contributor.

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