The universe containing Skylar and Grace's original existence, with their love interests. (New OCs Wanted)
Created by a strange spell gone wrong, cast to destroy the dying neighboring universe, it backfired and created this one and killing the castor, dooming the dying universe to a slow and painful death. Sorry, Milky Way.
All people are born with at least the slightest magic ability. If someone born with the least magic ability possible, (unlikely) and they trained their hardest and learned the most that they could, they could achieve near the same level of a person born with the most magic ability possible (unlikely) who had trained and learned none.
Technology is more advanced than the modern world and moving faster too. This universe has only been around for about a thousand years and is more advanced than our world today. The technology is extreme and exiting here. Always new inventions and hard working inventors.
There are pretty much no definite laws of physics in The Great Howl.
People in this universe can see an animal that no one else can, named an alistus. They are like spirit animals that guide people through sadness and tough times as well as calming them while angry. They replace pets in this world. They do not eat, and look to be made of pure silver, though this theory cannot be tested, seeing as though they are wispy and non solid/non liquid creatures.
This universe was created by Skylar Black on
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