info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Genre - What genre best describes Magnoulatious?


Description - How would you describe Magnoulatious?

The universe containing Skylar and Grace's original existence, with their love interests. (New OCs Wanted)

book History
History - What is Magnoulatious’s history?

Created by a strange spell gone wrong, cast to destroy the dying neighboring universe, it backfired and created this one and killing the castor, dooming the dying universe to a slow and painful death. Sorry, Milky Way.

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Magnoulatious?

All people are born with at least the slightest magic ability. If someone born with the least magic ability possible, (unlikely) and they trained their hardest and learned the most that they could, they could achieve near the same level of a person born with the most magic ability possible (unlikely) who had trained and learned none.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Magnoulatious?

Technology is more advanced than the modern world and moving faster too. This universe has only been around for about a thousand years and is more advanced than our world today. The technology is extreme and exiting here. Always new inventions and hard working inventors.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Magnoulatious?

There are pretty much no definite laws of physics in The Great Howl.

edit Notes

People in this universe can see an animal that no one else can, named an alistus. They are like spirit animals that guide people through sadness and tough times as well as calming them while angry. They replace pets in this world. They do not eat, and look to be made of pure silver, though this theory cannot be tested, seeing as though they are wispy and non solid/non liquid creatures.

history Changelog
folder_open Time
This universe contains...
13 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Skylar Neugdae Black One of the two main characters, younger sister of Grace Black.
group Cibus Bonum He is the owner of the restaurant with the best lizard sandwiches.
group PELS Cute little unknown species.
group Ryan Roberts Dead husband of Mrs. Manui.
group Brittney Vastata Older sister of Amber and younger half-sister of Dawn. Daughter of King Ciphe Vastata.
group Grace Jisoo Black One of the two main characters, older sister of Skylar Black.
group Roselle Daughter of Mrs. Manui.
group King Chiphe The ruler of the lands that Sky and Grace are born in.
group Amber Younger sister of Brittney and Dawn, daughter of King Ciphe Vastata.
group Finnik Roselle's crush. (He's crushing on her too.)
group Mrs. Manui Seamstress of Foriloa Market.
group Chadwick Luscen Barrow He gives Sky and Grace their quest in the first book.
group Amaro Sapienti Creator of Magnolatious, and original owner/creator of Sky's Journal.

2 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Fortiloa Market An old style market, just with added advanced technology.
terrain Tailor/Seamstress' Shop Mrs. Manui lives and works here with her daughter.

8 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Mr. Fish Belongs to Pels and Pels only.
emoji_events Finnik's Baby Blanket Makes Finnik 10x more adorable. It's red and soft (and a bit dirty.)
emoji_events Grace's Stuffed Tawny Owl. It is small stuffed tawny owl that was Grace's first kill.
emoji_events Cibus Bonum's Apron An apron belonging to Cib with multiple food stains on it.
emoji_events Sky's Journal Sky writes down little things that she learns in this book, and will also jog down her feelings as well.
emoji_events Sky's Drawing Pad This is Sky's sketchbook. It seems infinite to all, but in reality, it's just an ordinary sketchbook with loads of cute little cartoon characters.
emoji_events Grace's Twin Daggers These are two long, sharp, falcon shaped daggers that she stores in each boot in case she needs them.
emoji_events Lunam-Sidera Arcum The Lunam-Sidera Arcum is a Bow that was bought by Sky when she had recently turned thirteen, and is made from betula wood with taillou crystals on it. The string is strong, and the bow itself is q...

This universe was created by Skylar Black on

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