info Overview
Name - What is The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension named?

The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension

Description - How would you describe The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension?

The day Jabun was gifted the title of the spirit of water

Type of tradition - What kind of tradition is The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension?


Alternate names - What other names is The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension known by?

Jabun day

track_changes Observance
Date(s) - When does The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension happen?

In the Middle of Spring, On Mizuni seitsushiteiru Island.

Countries - What countries celebrate The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension?


Groups - What groups celebrate The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension?

The people of the lake

flare Celebrations
Activities - What activities are common when celebrating The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension?

Dancing, reading

Gifts - What kinds of gifts are exchanged during The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension?

items related to Nayru's Pearl

Games - What games are played during The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension?

The daruma doll fell down

Symbolism - What does The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension symbolize in your world?

The day the water spirit Jabun finally got through his trials and earned his role

date_range History
Etymology - Where did the name for The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension originally come from?
Origin - When did The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension originate?

Era of the Great Sea

Significance - How important is The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension? Who is it most important to?

It's importance has gone down significantly over the years, more seen as Christmas to the people of the lake. It is only important to the people of the lake, hence they are the only people who celebrate.

Religions - Which religions are associated with The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension?

Hylian Religion

Notable events - What notable events throughout history are related to The Day of the Water Spirit's Ascension?

The ascension of Jabun

edit Notes

This tradition was created by Charlie on

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