info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?


Description - How would you describe Kamar?

*Based on ancient ruins(Cambodia, India) Stone buildings covered in vines, colored green, painted inscriptions - directions to places within the city, warnings not to enter. (graffiti -like ) City is built circular/maze like. Part of the city is located underground, many homes are found underground, dragons stay in a huge cavern with other dragons.
*underground wells/tunnels are throughout the city can be used to travel though.
*Is surrounded by water, jungle - everything is hidden and its difficult to find.

group Populace
face Culture
timeline History
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Layout
autorenew Sustainability
Location chevron_right Capital cities link linked Kamar

Location chevron_right Largest cities link linked Kamar

Location chevron_right Notable cities link linked Kamar

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