info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?

Yatui Dhǔyàim

Description - How would you describe Yatui Dhǔyàim?

The capitol of [[Location-281881]] , Yatui Dhǔyàim is a city of marble and legal technology. It is known for its advanced medicine, and otherworldly architecture that rivals (our world).
Yatui Dhǔyàim has a population of 20,000, making it the largest city on Kliphor free of Ociramma.

Other names - What other names is Yatui Dhǔyàim known by?

Night Fortress

group Populace
map Layout
face Culture
Laws - What are the major laws in Yatui Dhǔyàim?

Same as [[Location-281881]]
Lights out when darkness arrives (with exception to partial street lighting in specific disticts around hospitals and schools.)

Politics - What are the politics like in Yatui Dhǔyàim?

This city is ruled by Yashæl Idǔyà. He is an elven king to whom will stay in power until he dies or voluntarily steps down. He can only step down if his child steps up. Yashæl only has one child, Yatǔx Idǔyà, which is very resistent to stepping up into power.
Yashæl commands a strong army, believes all are equal (except for evil creatures), and that wars should be avoided at all costs, including leaving Kliphor if it saves the lives of his people. As for the day to day politics, Yashæl is a strong, honest, and noble leader. He is trusted, as his people will follow him blindly.

date_range History
autorenew Sustainability
edit Notes
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