info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?


Description - How would you describe Impalfahr?

Capital City of the Elven Constitutionality

face Culture
Sports - What sports are popular in Impalfahr?

Duel gambling

Laws - What are the major laws in Impalfahr?

The same laws as the Elven Polyarchy

timeline History
Established year - When was Impalfahr founded?


Founding story - How was Impalfahr founded?

The Elves needed a capital city, and the rebellion had already set up semi-permanent camps in the area.

history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Layout
autorenew Sustainability
Location chevron_right Capital cities link linked Impalfahr

Country chevron_right Towns link linked Impalfahr

Landmark chevron_right Nearby towns link linked Impalfahr

Planet chevron_right Towns link linked Impalfahr

This town was created by Paxley O'Phinney on

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