info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?

Horn Hill

Description - How would you describe Horn Hill?

The most Eastern outpost in The Hills Region.

folder_open Layout
Buildings - What buildings are in Horn Hill?

The Main Castle, Horn Hill. Large Farms in the surrounding Area.

Main roads - What main roads are there in Horn Hill?

River Road.(Runs South to LakeSide)

Busy areas - What are the busiest areas of Horn Hill?

The Castle

Neighborhoods - What are the neighborhoods in Horn Hill, and how do they differ?

Farming, Military.

face Culture
Politics - What are the politics like in Horn Hill?

The Hills outpost.

date_range History
autorenew Sustainability
Food sources - Where does Horn Hill get their food from?

They Farm corn and Wheat. Also Trade with folks east and at LakeSide.

edit Notes
account_balance Govenor
wc Population


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Country chevron_right Towns link linked Horn Hill

This town was created by Brent on

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