info Overview
Name - What's the name of this technology?


Description - How would you describe Raygun?

A battery-powered gun that shoots deadly lasers. Originally made for BL/ind agents, but Killjoys can retrieve them from vending machines in the Zones. Chosen main weapon for both SCARECROW agents and Killjoys.

Note: In the Midwest, these Zones don’t have Raygun machines. No info known on why.

build Production
blur_on Presence
Rarity - How rare (or common) is Raygun?

Rayguns are common in the Zones on the coasts. Anywhere in the middle, the rarity varies.

speaker_phone Use
Purpose - What is Raygun used for?

A weapon for BL/ind to defend against the Killjoys, and for the Killjoys to defend against them.

sd_card Appearance
edit Notes

This technology was created by Ethan on

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